Instead of hopping around in your browser from one blog to another that you like to read, you can subscribe to the blogs--along with lots of other kinds of information feeds.
If this is totally new to you, you might want to read this tutorial from the BBC site. It's a good introduction.
Here's a really easy way to get started with blog subscriptions: On this blog, way down at the bottom of the sidebars on the right side of the window, you'll see a subscription section, which contains a little orange thing (called a "chicklet") and a link that says "Subscribe in a reader." Right-click on the link, and choose "Open in a new tab" or "Open in a new window." Then click on the new tab/window to see what is displayed (and come back to the tab/window where you're reading this for the rest of your instructions, when you're ready).
You should see (in the new tab/window) something that says "we have a thinking feeling" at the top, and "syndicated content powered by FeedBurner" right below that. Below all of that, and over on the right, there should be a box that says "Subscribe Now!" Below that is a bunch of little rectangle widgets, including one that says "Google" next to a little plus sign. Click on that.
Now you should find yourself looking at a Google page that has two big blue buttons that say, "Add to Google homepage" and "Add to Google Reader." If you have a Google homepage or want to have one, click on that button, and Google will step you through the process of adding our blog feed to your homepage or, if necessary, creating a homepage from scratch. If you'd rather just use the Google reader to look at all your news and blog feeds, then go with that. Again, Google will step you through the whole process, and will give you access to tutorials explaining how Google Reader works.
There are lots of other options, but if you really wanted one of them you wouldn't be reading this post!
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