John Podhoretz's editorial in the latest Commentary puts the problem with the Obama-Reid-Pelosi "stimulus" bill quite nicely: It's one thing to advance policies that you think will benefit the country. It's another to conceal those policies under the name of economic stimulus and to railroad the thing through Congress without meaningful debate or scrutiny. (By "scrutiny," I have in mind, for example, letting our elected representatives read the bill before they have to vote on it.) It almost seems that these people are afraid of disclosure and debate on their cherished policies.
And so they have put over one of the (in dollar terms) biggest lies in American political history: A "stimulus" bill that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office's economists estimate will slow the economy down. That's not a stimulus; that's a sedative. (In more ways than one.)
A ruse by any other name would seem as smelly.
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